Monday, January 26, 2009


Macey just turned two! I can't believe how quick she is
growing up. The last two years have been so much fun.
We love you Macey! Happy Birthday!

For her birthday we took her to the Rodeo on Saturday. She loves the Rodeo! It is the one thing (besides Backyardigans) that will keep her attention.

...and she loves her cowboy hat! She must get that from Grandpa.

Eating popcorn with Daddy!

Cleaning off the sticky cotton candy fingers.
Loves the junk food just like her Mom!

Even Porter enjoyed the Rodeo

Loving every minute!

The Birthday girl heading out to church

The Princess Cake!!!
Next time I need to remember how crafty I am not
because this totally stressed me out.

This picture makes me laugh because Porter looks almost as big as Macey. She won't be able to hold him too much longer.


Kelli said...

Such cute pictures. Let us know when the next rodeo is and we are there. Cameron would love it!! You did great on the cake even though you were stressed. I can't believe she is 2!!

Unknown said...

she is so adorable, and I love how her hair is getting long! Happy birthday macey!

Mandi Platt said...

cute pictures especially the last one. We are going to try to go to rodeo in February, I think the boys would like it.

BKC said...

So cute!!! Oh the rodeo days, I'm glad you had so much fun it looks like a blast. She seriously is so stinkin cute and yes, Porter is going to pass her up soon! He's getting so big! how fun.

Kyle and Ashlee said...

I can't believe how fast kids grow. Look at all her hair. She is so beautiful....just like her mamma. And the CAKE....holy freak....the CAKE! You are too amazing. I bet she LOVED it.

Chad and Cindy said...

The kids were so much fun at the rodeo. We loved watching Macey get excited with all the action.
Grandpa and Grnadma love their little cowboys and cowgirls. Angie, you did a great job on the Barbie cake too!

Jared, Beth, Carter, Maylee and Bridger said...

Happy Birthday Macey! She is getting so big! I'm glad I found your blog! Send me an email at so you can see ours since it's private.

Miles and Chelsea said...

Looks like a lot of fun!! Ya porter does look bigger from when i saw him last! Your kids are so adorable!